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Just Be

Sound - Healing - Energy - Consciousness - Story

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A tapestry woven with countless experiences

Conscious awareness

Allows you to self correct

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The Happiness Project _Introduction_edit

We help individuals and organizations improve mental healthcare by fostering self-understanding and inner peace.

Using evidence-based practices and holistic approaches, we offer tools and resources to navigate life's challenges with resilience and clarity.


Through mindfulness workshops, personalized coaching, and community support, we create an environment for everyone to thrive. By enhancing awareness of thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, we guide a transformative journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life, striving for a compassionate world where mental health is a priority.

The Happiness Project _Introduction_edit
Founder of JustBe Studios

Hello, I'm Sheshnee
Welcome to JustBe Studios

Who am I - a traveler,  researcher, teacher and a storyteller.

My love for wisdom has grown me into creating a tapestry of woven threads leading me to life beyond what we can image.  Travelling has enriched me to a better understanding of my beliefs and values that is created, it's a choice.  A person without self-expression is a person without personal freedom.

Sheshnee is currently in the corporate industry for 23yrs of which 20yrs has been with Information Technology and she is an Executive of Portfolio, Program & Project Management. She as directed multiple Project Management Offices globally and has worked in six of the major industries that drive our economy.


Being in the Corporate Industry, a Non-Profit Founder and an Entrepreneur, she has a portfolio that encourages diversity of culture and bringing these areas of inclusion together .


She has been working with organization’s to re-image and re-envision what’s needed through many diverse forms of creativity and courage..

See what my clients have to say

"Ms Naidoo's sessions are amazing. I always feel much more relaxed after every meditation session and I always feel much happier and much more positive.  She always motivated me to take better care of myself and I remember in my first session she shared so many valuable life lessons that I will always keep with me."

Njabulo Simelane - Student (grade 10)

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